Waste ReVamp

Town of Eagle’s waste hauling, overhauled. In Fall 2023, residents saw three changes to decrease the impact of our waste on the environment.
Learn more below.

What’s Included


Bear Resistant Trash, Curbside Compost, and Single Stream Recycling. This revamp protects wildlife, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and makes recycling easier.


New, 64-gallon bear resistant trash containers and 32-gallon bear resistant compost containers were delivered to residents by Honeywagon Fall 2023. Existing 96-gallon trash containers were relabeled to single-stream recycling.

Why Compost.

In a landfill, organic materials generate methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas. Separating organic materials for composting reduces the greenhouse gases produced and creates a final product that helps our soil sequester carbon.


Recycling simplified. With single-stream, residents can recycle glass, cardboard, aluminum/tin cans, plastic bottles/tubs/jugs, and paper all in one container.

Who and Where.

This service only applies to residents whose current containers are labeled with “Town of Eagle.” This does not include multifamily of more than 8 units or commercial properties.


Yes, these improved services mean a price increase. Waste services will now be $41 per month. There is no charge for the new containers.

What people are saying

“Adding paper products definitely helps to keep down the smell and moisture.”

— Resident

“I love it. We have almost no trash now and I feel good about reducing watse.”

— Resident


  • Your best option for composting is the drop site membership with Honeywagon. For a small fee, you will receive a 5-gallon, wildlife safe, bucket with a carbon filter. Fill this up at home and then drop contents off at the Eagle recycling center off Chambers.

  • No. All the items in your compost bin were already in your trash!

  • Keep it until the next pick up date. If it overflows, call Honeywagon and ask to use the drop site.

    Quick tip: If you have a particular food scrap that might stink up the compost, pop it in the freezer until pick up date.

  • At this time, trash pick ups are not decreasing in frequency. Encourage your neighbors to compost and help make the case that the entire town is ready to reduce our trash service in favor of compost and recycling.

More info

Need Specifics?

Town of Eagle


Palmer Fund’s Conversation on Sustainability

Contact Honeywagon

Service Area

Container Issues

Pick Up Schedule